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I Love Italyan Flavours (I Love Italy & Italian Flavours) is an online shop of Made in Italy quality Italian food products, a project born from an idea of a small italian entrepreneur who has always been passionate about good food and good wine. "On many occasions, due to my job and my affections I have to travel abroad, especially in Belgium where I have my family and among the things I miss the most are the genuine flavours of the Italian food".

Precisely from this personal need came the idea of creating a useful platform just a click away for all those who like me love the flavours of Italian food, stress-free and with delivery directly at home in complete safety and tranquility. Doing the grocery shopping or simply buying those products we are most fond of at any time of the day without having to go to the supermarket has never been easier!

We live a busy life between work, family and personal commitments and often even the grocery shopping becomes a commitment that few can manage, but thanks to I Love Italyan Flavours now you just have to take a few minutes, access our site wherever you are, and after a few click will be done! We'll take care of the rest!
4 years later, in March 2024, we opened our first physical shop in Brussels.


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